Member Quotes

This is what some of our members had to say...

"I have been going to the coffee mornings on a Thursday since the beginning of the year and have met some great people who I now class as friends. I have joined some fantastic courses and am now going on to NVQs. The group recently went to Stainsacre Hall and we had a brilliant day. In the Easter holidays we also went to Leeds Armouries Museum. It is a great group and we are always expanding and coming up with great ideas to fundraise as the money goes straight back in to the group to benefit families. Love ya's all xxxx"

"I have been attending the coffee mornings since before it was decided to be a constituted group. I only moved into the area August 2007 and "Friends of Breckon Hill" have really welcomed me into the community. Without them I would not have any friends as a newcomer to the area. I have got involved with many of the courses in Sure Start through "Friends of Breckon Hill" The logo for the group is very true, they are real friends and I look forward to meeting with each of them every week."

"I have been attending the coffee morning every Thursday. I have made new friends and met their families. There are so many interesting things we do. We always have ideas that we like to put forward to the members of our group and the wider community. We try to find out how our members would benefit from the group and what sort of things they would like.
We are having a Family Fun Day on 31st May that we have all put a lot of effort in to. It is helping me to get out more and meet with all my new friends at the coffee morning.
So why don't you come along to our Friends of Breckon Hill coffee morning every Thursday and I will see you there!"



More member quotes will be added as and when they come in.



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