Allsorts Youth Club

Breckon Hill 

Items will be added to this page as the Youth Club progresses.  There will be photos of events and stories/quotes from the Youth Club users.  You will see how much fun you or your child could have by being involved with the activities.   


The Youth Club page is new to the website so is still under construction.  Please bare with us as we add information and links.  If there is anything you would like to see within the Youth Club pages then please Email us.


 If you would like to come along to the Allsorts Youth Club the details are below:

When:  Every Wednesday

Time:   5pm - 6:30pm

Where: Breckon Hill Primary School


If you would like more information about the Youth Club then please do not hesitate to contact us, either by Email or by using the information on the Contact Us page.



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